ProudPolitics SPOTLIGHT! - Telling the stories of Canada's past and present elected LGBTIQ+ leaders


In collaboration with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, ProudPolitics presents, the Spotlight! initiative. The initiative hopes to document the stories and political journeys of past and present openly LGBTIQ+ political leaders

The objectives of program are to,

  • Document for the preservation of LGBT history - preserve the stories of LGBT leaders for the purposes of contributing to an important component of LGBT history

  • Capture the political journey's of LGBT leaders -  put a face to the journey, successes, trials, tribulations, and successes of past and present LGBT political leaders in Canadian at all orders of government

  • Provide inspiration & foster role models - provide LGBT youth in underserved LGBT communities with examples and stories of hope that they too can be leaders and make a difference through politics.




  • Glen Murray, Ontario Liberal MPP & Minister, and Former Mayor of Winnipeg 
  • Kyle Rae, former Toronto City Councillor (Ward 27)
  • Craig Scott, NDP MP (Toronto - Danforth)
  • Phil Gillies, former Ontario PC MPP (Brant) & cabinet minster


If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact Spotlight! Creative Directors
Warren Brown & Udoka Okafor
at [email protected]

A special thank you to the team at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives for their partnership and support!


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