Join ProudPolitics for OUT TO WIN 2018, a non-partisan LGBTIQ+ candidate and campaign training for aspiring and current LGBTIQ+ and ally candidates and civic leaders, their campaigns teams, and friends and family. The workshop aims to:
- Identify barriers, challenges, and opportunities facing aspiring and LGBTIQ+ candidates with overlapping complex intersectionalities
- Help aspiring and current LGBTIQ+ and ally candidates and their campaign teams develop communications strategies to address issues pertaining to sexual orientation, gender identity, and complex intersectionalities
- Provide aspiring LGBTIQ+ civic leaders with foundational considerations prior to taking the journey toward candidacy.
- Joanne Bernard - former Nova Scotia Liberal MLA and Cabinet Minister
- Morgane Oger - BC NDP VP, former BC NDP candidate and trans advocate
- Nathan Rotman - Chief of Staff to Alberta Premier Rachel Notley
- Chris Moise - TDSB Vice Chair and Trustee (Toronto Centre - Rosedale)
- Phil Gillies - former Ontario PC MPP (Brant) and cabinet minister
- Nadia Bello - former TDSB Trustee (Scarborough East)
- Brian Chang - Federal NDP candidate (Scarborough-Agincourt)
- Lunch n' Learn by
Date |
Saturday February 10, 2018 |
Cost |
Location |
Ryerson University - Faculty of Community Services 99 Gerrard St. E., 6th Floor, Toronto, ON M5B 1G7
Live Webcast available on day-of event. |
*Breakfast & lunch will be served.
PROGRAM (8:30 AM - 4:00 PM)
8:30-9:00 |
Registration with Networking Coffee, Tea, & Breakfast |
9:00-9:30 |
Welcoming Remarks & Introductions |
9:35-10:35 |
Why do you want to run for office? A guided discussion that explores running for the right reasons and being ready for the questions that will come your way as a candidate. |
10:40-11:45 |
Coming Out Again When LGBTQ persons decide to run for office, they often face the challenge of “coming out” all over again - this time to an audience of voters and complete strangers. We also touch on the need to prepare family, spouse, partner, etc. for the being in the spotlight. |
11:45-1:00 |
Lunch n Learn - by the team at DemocracyKit |
1:00-2:00 |
Resource Roundup An engaging discussion about what networks and resources you actually have now that may realistically be utilized during a campaign. |
2:05-3:05 |
Intersectionality: Being LGBTQ and …. A diversity discussion on navigating multiple identities while running for office. |
3:05-4:00 |
Journey to Breaking the "Lavender Ceiling" for Transgender Candidates in Canada |
If you have any questions, feel free to email Nicole Crawford at [email protected]
Click here for more information and legacy page for the 2014 Out To Win